stack of jigsaw puzzle pieces
I could not choose which National Day to pick today, they are:

Happy—— Nation Bubble Wrap Day—— Nation Corn Chip Day—– National Puzzle Day….all 3 could apply to so many of us…bubble wrap to protect us from falls, corn chip because we like Mexican food so much and puzzle day because so many of us like to do puzzles.  Pick the one you want to celebrate today 😊


Happy Birthday: Jeremy Canine Jan. 28 / Cole Feb. 3

Happy Anniversary:  Dan & Janolyn Jan. 29

Prayer:  Cheri continued recovery and to get stronger every day / Kala house to sell / Emily & Justin a closing date soon on the house they are purchasing / Our friend Claudia who suffered the stroke – she is paralyzed on one side, cannot speak but does understand and has made it known that she has opted to not do chemo and she wanted to go home with Hospice to manage her pain …


Good Monday Morning from NC.

Hailey, Mackenzie, and I had a good time at the beach.  We walked on the beach each day, did some shopping, ate at some favorite places, played games, cards, and did 3 puzzles before we came home on Thursday. Drove home most of the 3-hour trip in the rain.  We had more rain Friday night and Saturday with some gusty winds, so the ground is still saturated here.

Sunday off to church, lunch, and home to watch the Chiefs win and then San Francisco win.


   Go Chiefs !!

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Have a blessed week,



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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