road, forest, fall

Happy National Boston Cream Pie Day


Happy Birthday:  Maddie Oct. 24 / Alex G Oct. 24 / Kaytlyn Oct. 25/ Brian Oct. 29

Happy Anniversary:  Emily & Justin Oct. 26

Congratulations:  Reagan and Cale engagement

Prayer: Robert’s Father . Kim Ketter / Isarel / innocent citizens safety in all areas of the conflict/war / hostages


Good Monday Morning from NC.


Dean and I are battling the birds that have decided to land on our vehicles and peck on the windows and poop.  We are covering the mirrors and the back wiper on my car where they like to sit as well. They are still sitting on the side of the door and pecking at the windows.  So I’m  Printing photos of Bald Eagles today and try putting them in the windows..


It was an exciting week for Hailey, she was elected the Junior class princess for homecoming.  She found out at the homecoming game Friday night.  A nasty thunderstorm rolled through before the game, but no rain during the game.  Jessica’s parents were there, and Mark was able to come as well.  And then had homecoming dance Saturday night.


Saturday was spent doing projects and watching football.


Sunday, church, lunch, and home to watch football… I did finish the Stella Dinner puzzle before half time.



Have a blessed week,




Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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