jack o'lantern
Happy National Candy Corn Day

Happy Birthday:  Brian Oct. 29 / Tim J Nov. 2 / Jared Oct. 5

Prayer:  Robert’s father Kim / Jon Trout’s wife in hospice care /Israel/hostages/ innocent victims

Good Monday Morning from NC.

We enjoyed some lovely weather last week and some temps in the 80’s..More realistic temperatures coming this week.  They harvested the soybeans by our house, so I’m sure we will not be seeing as many deer.

Dean upgraded his truck last week and is enjoying his new ride.  We are taking it on a day trip up to the mountains today to enjoy the fall colors while the leaves are still on the trees.

Saturday, Brian, and family headed up to Boone, NC for a football game and enjoyed lovely weather, beautiful fall colors, and a win for App State.  We watched football and certainly enjoyed the KU win.   Patches hung out with Dean and I all day.  He was happy when his peeps got home latter that night.

Sunday, we celebrated Brian’s birthday with lunch at home after church.   The Chief’s game was a bummer , but I’m sure Dennis is very happy.

The attached picture is one taken a while back but seems to set the scene for Halloween tomorrow….

Have a blessed week,



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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