bauble balls hang on christmas tree
A special “Thank you”  to the veterans in our family and their service :  Bill N /Richard /Dennis J/ Bill B / Tim J / Dennis B/ Emily / Phil


Birthdays:  Phil Nov. 22 / Robert Nov. 27

Happy Anniversary:  Pam & Dennis Nov. 25

Prayer: Kim Robert’s father / Jon Trout and family as they mourn the loss of his wife Kristen / Israel


Good Morning from NC:

Dean’s Moh’s surgery went well.  It took 2 times to get it all, so he now has about 1 ½ inch incision on the side of his face… a one-sided face lift as we are calling it.

I  continued through the week to work on Christmas decorating.  I was only going to do the tree, but once you get in the groove you just want to keep going.  And since I’m switching things up, it has taken a lot more brain power 😊 so its going a little slower.

Saturday was a nasty misty rain all day and cool.  Watched a lot of football while I was decorating.

Sunday was nicer so I worked on decorating outside and Dean mowed all the property one last time before winter sets in.


Have a blessed week,




Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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