forest, woods, autumn

Happy Nachos Day

Happy Birthday:  Jared Nov 5 / Scott B Nov. 10

Prayer:  Robert’s dad Kim / Jon Troutt’s wife Kristen / Cheri housing / Israel


Good Monday Morning from NC.

Looks like we are in for some warmer temps this week with hitting 80 on Wednesday and Thursday, 70’s the rest of the weekdays… we can handle that.  We had some cool mornings last week with frost on the windshields and covering plants.


Monday was nice so Dean and I took a day trip to the mountains while there was still some foliage on the trees.  It was a nice day trip.

The rest of the week was filled with the regular stuff.

Saturday, I worked on some Christmas decorating ideas.  Since my tree is smaller now and I have so many decorations, I have decided to do my tree with a different theme that rotates each year for 3 years.  That required going through my decorations, doing some reorganizing, and purchasing a few new things.  Of course, that led to putting up my tree and trying out my theme for this year to see what else I might need.  Still tweaking it a little.  We watched football, K-state loss, and the KU win.

Sunday, we recorded the Chiefs game so we could watch it when we got home from lunch after church.  Glad they got the win.

Dean is having his Moh’s procedure this week on a spot on his face…hopefully it will be like last time and just a one time cut.


Have a blessed week,



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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