pink candles on gold candle holder
Happy National Twin Day – and especially our own family twins,  Ashley & Lacey and Aria & Aiden !!


3rd week of Advent – reminds us of the Shepherds role in the birth narrative.  Luke 2 :8 “ And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.”


Happy Birthday:  Trevor Dec. 18 / Jeremy Cain Sr. Dec. 18 / Aria & Aiden Dec. 27 / Emily Dec. 29 / Richard Dec. 29 / Samantha Dec. 30 / Mark Jan. 1

Prayer: Katherine & Robert / Cheri housing / Becky & Charlie car repair – waiting on insurance / Pam as she finishes out concerts and recovers from the move

Praise:  Kala and her time in KC with family / Pam and Dennis closed on the sale of their house.



Good Morning from sunny but soggy NC – probably not as soggy as our Florida family but maybe close.


Well, we have wrapped up another week of getting ready for Christmas !! 


Saturday Brian, Jess and the girls left to drive to the Grand Canyon…fortunately they have 3 drivers, so Hailey is able to help.  I spent the day wrapping Christmas gifts and doing some organizing.

Sunday off to church and then straight home….lots of rain and we wanted to be home for the Chiefs game… great day to spend all day inside. We definitely liked the Chiefs game this week!


They are having a drop in this morning at work for staff to drop-by and say bye to me before the end of the month.  That will be bittersweet for sure …. Hardly anyone works the last week of December, so this was the best time.



Have a blessed week as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our savior.




Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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