Happy National Cold Cuts Day.
Happy Birthday: Oliver March 2 / Dennis March 4 (60th) / Everly March 7
Happy Anniversary: Phil & Kelly March 7
Prayer: Emily, Natalie, Raegan – healthy pregnancies
Good Morning from NC.
Our weather has been up and down… looking forward to more spring like weather…the pollen has arrived.
Pretty normal week here. Haiely’s school soccer has started so that is a couple nights a week.
I’m still battling being a little dizzy… hoping that subsides soon.
Dean got called to show up for jury duty selection today…so we will see if he gets picked or not.
Have a blessed week,
Good morning from Basehor KS!
We have had a reprieve from cold weather and snow. The coldest week in history was followed be the warmest week some temps in the 70’s! Quite a change. And all our snow is melted!
Quiet week for me. I went to knee Dr on Wednesday was not what I expected. The only thing left to do is knee replacement. I am on prednisone for inflammation, and start PT tomorrow. Not sure what that’s going to do. I am in a brace full time.
I put out my Spring decorations last week. Took a few days.
Thursday I went to Stephanie’s to babysit Jullian while Stephanie was working. He’s cute when he is asleep! lol He keeps you busy for sure!
You are right Lisa, dog sitting is easier! But nothing is more precious than a baby. He is 3 months almost 4. A busy baby.
Since Tim and Lisa both had the flu after the Super Bowl, I have not seen them for 3 weeks! They came over Friday for dinner and hot tub.
Saturday I went to Tim and Lisa’s to put out Spring stuff for them, and help with a few items that needed attention. Tim made the most fabulous spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. He made the sauce from scratch. Chopped up all the vegetables, simmered in home made meatballs! Oh my it was great! I had leftovers for dinner Sunday!
Saturday I went to Tim and Lisa’s to put out Spring stuff for them, and help with a few items that needed attention. Tim made the most fabulous spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. He made the sauce from scratch. Chopped up all the vegetables, simmered in home made meatballs! Oh my it was great! I had leftovers for dinner Sunday!
This week I am getting 2 ginko trees I bought, planted in the front yard and the landscapers are supposed to start putting pavers around my great utility boxes on either side of my front yard! It will be nice not to weed eat around each individual post and boxes.
Never dull here.
Hope you have a Blessed week!
Love, prayers and Big Hugs!
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.
John 15;16