a field full of purple and white flowers
Happy Birthday:  Porter May 4 / Noah May 4

Prayer:  Bill  / Hailey stomach issues


Good Morning from sunny NC.

We have had nice weather all week.  Looks to be a little cooler this week, but still very nice.   The pollen is still high and everyone has been battling allergies this past week, hopefully that will be done soon.


I got my cast removed last Thursday and my hand and wrist are slowly getting stronger.  I have PT this afternoon to get some exercises to strengthen it.  Dean is getting all his appointments lined up to have his right knee replacement done hopefully the first of June.


Hailey has been battling stomach issues again and is having an endoscopy today so hopefully that will help them know what is going on.


Aitana had prom Friday night.  They only have 6 more weeks of school, and she said it will be strange to leave.  She is looking forward to being with her family but will miss all the good friends she has made here.


Have a blessed week,




Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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