chocolate bar on gray container
Happy National Chocolate Chip Day:


Happy Birthday: Marla May 16 / Ashley & Lacey May 19 / Jessica May 21 / Janolyn May 27 / Abby May 27

Happy Anniversary:  Ashley & Trevor May 26 / Nick & Lisa May 28

Prayer:  Richard recovery from heart surgery / Bill ongoing tests


Greetings from NC.

Busy here with school winding down activities,  AP testing, regular testing, end of year testing etc.…..  I know the girls will be glad when that is over, but we will be sad when Aitana leaves the second week of June.  Soccer is in playoffs starting this week.  I did watch college softball tournament when I had a chance.

Saturday was another rock day, building a water-fountain feature in the front of the house with rocks from last weeks delivery.(photos attached)  I worked on planting my herbs and some flowers.   Jessica hosted our annual Mother’s Day tea and Mark was able to hang out in the afternoon.    He got back in town that morning from working out of town for the last couple of weeks.  It was nice to have us all together.

Sunday off to church and then we all just chilled.


Have a blessed week,




Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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