Happy National Nurses Day – Courtney and Dani


Happy Birthday:  Kala May 7 / Ellaina May 11 / Lliam (18) May 12

Happy Anniversary: Lacey & Jared 10 years.



Good Morning from rainy, soggy NC:


The cicadas have been in full volume here and the pollen is still an issue unless this rain we are getting can wash that away. 


Dean and I headed to the beach on Wednesday and had a nice time, lovely temperatures and we had dinner with good friends who live about an hour away from the beach house.  This time of the year is a good time to do some of our maintenance items.  Saturday, we drove down to north of Charleston SC to watch the baseball team of 10-year-olds that Mark helps coach. They were playing in a tournament there.  It was fun to watch those young guys play baseball.   We had a pleasant drive home Sunday on all back roads and no rain or interstates!  It was a very nice get away.


Hailey had SAT testing on Saturday, and she has started visiting colleges….so hard to believe next year is her last year of High School…oh my the time flies!!


Have a blessed week,




It must be turtle playing season. I took Joanna and Sammy to our zoo and our turtles were playing too. They got to feed the giraffe some lettuce and they went on the train ride around the zoo. 

Very hot down here right now. It is May but I remember praying for warm weather before our Memorial Day camping trips. We’d usually get sunburned and crispy so it must have been warm enough. 
Luis and Maddie have both started their new jobs in ATL. They got everything unpacked and put away. So they’re all set for the girls to move up to GA. 
We’ve been busy with farmers markets, flea markets, business expos and have several coming up. We’ll be at a BBQ contest this Friday on a river walk in Sanford. Last BBQ contest I volunteered to judge gave me food poisoning. So I have a little PTSD where BBQ contests are concerned. I think the chicken was undercooked. 
We invite the company’s promoters to work with us.  
Only 4 more nursing home concerts!  Always so rewarding. 
God bless everyone!  
The Lord doesn’t just take away our fear He replaces it with strength and courage. Max Lucado
I can’t believe Hailey is already SAT testing! Time flies!
We had a great time this weekend celebrating Porter’s birthday with mom and dad and Jared’s family. If you ever get a chance to visit Brights Zoo in Limestone, TN you should- it was a very pretty zoo with lots of animals that you get very close to! I attached some photos- they have a baby giraffe that is all brown. Porter took about 130 photos, but also took a picture of a pair of tortoise that he said were “playing” so when I saw that one pop up I had a pretty good laugh. 
Jared and I are actually celebrating our 11th anniversary this year, but after 10 who’s counting 😂
Love you all, have a great week!


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Author: Schleicher Bot

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