Happy National Egg Roll Day!

No Birthdays

No Anniversaries

Prayer:  Dennis’s mom fell and has a fractured neck. She has had surgery.  Praying for her recovery.

Good Morning from NC.

Enjoying nice weather here.

Pretty quiet week.  We continued watching college softball and baseball and I finished a puzzle.

Mackenzie has become interested in vinyl records, so she and I went to a record store near us on Friday and she found a Beach Boy Album to purchase.  She has gone through my records and has claimed a few as well.  She has ordered a record player and is using mine in the meantime.  Her interest prompted me to make a spreadsheet of all my records.  I have 73- 33 RPM Albums/ 31- 45 RPM records /  20 – 78 RPM records. When I saw the prices for some of the ones I had, it would be tempting to sell them…but Mackenzie said no.   Just love it when your childhood stuff is now considered “Vintage” 😊

Have a blessed week,


Found a waterfall on Saturday, it was a beauty! Stinger Fork Falls in the Cumberland Mountains. The river running reminded me of mom making us lemonade along the stream in Colorado, just need me some lemons. Fun micro brewery at the end, pretty much middle of no where. They make barbecue and six beers, husband and wife, five boys. Here are some pics.
Have a great week.

Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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