brown concrete building near bare trees under blue sky during daytime
Happy World Sauntering Day


Happy day after Father’s Day to all the dads.  Hope all the dad’s had a nice Father’s Day.


Happy Birthday:  Kenlee June 19 / Jamie June 20 / Brandon June 22 / Kyle June 25

Prayer:  Bill


Good Morning from sunny NC.   We have been enjoying warm but not super humid weather, so it has been nice.


Brian, Jess, Hailey, Mackenzie and Aitana just left for the airport.   Can’t believe it is time for her to return to Spain.  It was a tearful goodbye, and she will be missed.   I know her family will be so happy to have her back home.


Last Monday we attended Aitana’s high school graduation ceremony.  It was a pleasant night which was nice since it was outside.

The rest of the week was spent getting her ready to fly back home.  Packing, trying to trim down items so everything would fit in her suitcases.  She did have to ship some items.  Then she and Jessica spent a good amount of time getting paperwork together that need to be notarized. 


Dean had his post op visit on Wednesday and got cleared to drive so that made him happy.  Now he will be busy with PT.


We all celebrated Father’s day on Saturday with Mark and Jessica’s parents.  We had delicious smoked ribs and yummy side dishes. 


Have a blessed week,



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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