black Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses on beach sand
Happy National Gingerbread Day

Happy Birthday:  Lilly June 7

Prayer:  Bill treatments / family of Mike Schleicher mourning his passing / Richard healing / Deanna healing / Dean healing

Good Morning from cloudy NC:

Monday, Becky, and Charlie headed home, and we chilled out  most of the day.

Before Dean’s surgery on Wednesday, we all woke up to a water leak in the garage.  It was coming from our laundry room.  Brian’s business partner Adam came over and was able to fix it.  A nail used to put the baseboard trim on had punctured the hot water line.  It was a small hole and it finally leaked enough that there was a hissing noise and water on the floor.  Jessica discovered it when she went to get something out of the garage refrigerator.  So, after that event we headed off for Dean’s surgery that was scheduled at noon.  His surgery went well, but the PT who came in after surgery was a little aggressive and Dean’s incision opened up some…so the nurses re glued – and packed it with multiple layers of tape, gauze etc. to get us through the night.   We went straight to his doctor on Thursday morning, and he steri-stripped it as well and re bandaged.  He was not very happy with the PT person. Dean’s surgery was at a different facility this time so they could use the robot this time as this was the knee where Dean had the rod in his femur.  Dean is not doing any PT until after sees the doctor on June 14 to make sure his incision heals properly.  He is getting around pretty good and just using a cane.  Fortunately there is lots of college baseball and softball to watch and pass the day.

Hailey and Aitana do not have to take finals, so they done with school.  Mackenzie is all but done as well.  They have fun stuff the rest of the week, with her 8th grade going to Topgolf one day.  Aitana has graduation on June 12 and then flies home on June 19

The weekend was nice, and the kids took advantage of enjoying the pool.

Have a blessed week,



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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