black vinyl record on vinyl record
Happy National Acts of Kindness and Forgiveness Day


Happy Birthday:  Charlie July 16 / Will B July 27

Prayer:  Continued healing for Lacey / those recovering from hurricane Beryl / our country, victim of the shooting and those injured


Good Morning from Hot NC.

More hot weather this week here as in many parts of the country as well.  I’ve been busy doing puzzles.  Kenzie and I did get out for some record shopping at our local used record shop.  She is into vinyl, and she was looking for Fleetwood Mac’s Rumor album. 


Have a blessed week,




“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 – Jesus’s words to the disciples

 Good morning from steamy Kansas! I have been busy as usual! Where do the days go! 

My new patio is poured and ready for the hot tub and to get the pouch screened in. 
Friday after I mowed I went to take Diane out for a hamburger and ice cream. Her favorites! She did all right. It was good to get her out for a while she enjoyed it. Her health is steadily declining. 
Saturday I went to brunch with Stephanie and a friend of hers. We went to Union Station for the 100 years Disney exhibit. It was pretty cool. It took the lowest  level of union station. It took 4 hours to walk through it. Very cool! Brought back lots of memories. When I was working at FBD in Overland Park. It was necessary to have a second location in case of an emergency to operate out of and secure the information we had on our files so they bought the old building that was owned be Walt Disney in Troost. He built that building and the walls were 2 feet thick. All the way around. It was a very solid building. This is where he started Laugh o grams before he moved to California. He and Joyce Hall were collaborating about the future of Kansas City. Hallmark was born and Mr Hall carried Disneys cards to sell. This was in 1930s and 1940’s. From then on the exibit went from Steamboat Willie to present. Worth the time. 
On Sunday I went to The Beach Boys concert with Ellaina and Lisa. We stopped and ate at Ponak’s before heading to Uptown theater. Which is still decorated inside as the Guilded Era! Beautiful a little worn but still ornate! I believe we say Mary Poppins there when it came out as a movie!  Lots of stairs but beautiful! 
The concert was pretty good the lead singer was old and a little off key. The drummer was phenomenal! The guy who sang the high voice was awesome. Good graphics. We left at 9:30 to beat the rush and traffic. The girls had to work this morning. 
This week looks as busy as the rest!
Never dull here. I think I will be hamster sitting while Stephanie and her family go to Louisiana to visit Jeremy’s family. To least I don’t have to walk the hamster. 
Have a Blessed Week, love, prayers and Big Hugs! 

The Lied hath done great things for us; wherefore we are glad. Psalm 126:3KJV

Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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