Closeup Photo of Green Grass Field

Happy National Penuche Fudge Day


Happy Birthday: Eric July 28 / Zack July 30

Prayer: Lacey continued healing / Brian & Hailey leave Aug. 1 for their missions’ trip to Mexico / our country


Good Morning from NC.

We have had rain off and on so everything is nice and green.  Many sightings of the deer enjoying the farmer’s corn, including one very pregnant deer with her belly almost dragging on the ground. 

We are in the process of having our screen porch extended out under the adjoining porch and making it a sunroom.  We received notice that the windows should arrive to the warehouse by this Thursday.  Hopefully, the contractor will be able to start soon.  I worked on clearing out the screen porch and moving my raised herb bed so it should be ready when he can start. 

Brian, Jess, and the girls did a weekend trip to the beach, coming home today.

Saturday night Dean and I went to dinner with Mark, Rachel, and her boys before they leave on Thursday for Turks and Caicos for her birthday.  We went to a Japanese Steak house, and I admit I pushed my chair back when they did the fire thing !!


Have a blessed week,




“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 – Jesus’s words to the disciples

Good morning from Basehor Kansas! We have had some unusually cool weather for July! It’s been in low 80’s . I will admit I have had to put in a sweatshirt a couple of evenings. I still am dreading what’s to come. However we do have August to get through. 
I am still working away on my craft room. Slowly, however everything is cleared out and put on shelves in the back part of the basement. Patrick came and ran the wiring for the hot tub, which is to be delivered tomorrow. Then all Pat has to do is run the wire from outside box to the tub. 
The Beach boy concert was great music and entertaining. There was only one singer from the original group. And he could not carry a tune. The rest of the band made up for it. 
I am now officially starting to get involved with HOA. I started with the pool committee. It needs immediate help. There are currently 350 homes in here will be 500. Pool is outreached its capacity. The developers put in a pool liner instead of gunnight and plaster. So that’s a problem. It’s 4 foot all the way around. The little kids don’t have a chance. The baby pool is a germ fest! Lots of things to consider and do and pool rules to enforce. There are a lot of young families in here. 
Stephanie and family are in Louisiana this week. I am gerbil watching. 
I mowed and cleaned off the patio and the area that is to be screened Friday. 
Saturday Tim and Lisa came over for dinner. I actually cooked! Pork chops, mashed potatoes gravy creamed spinach and applesauce and rolls. I love leftovers. 
Sunday after church caught up on paperwork. 
Today the landscaping people are to start to lay the border around the house and make my flower beds yeah! I will be happy to get the grass off the house. Then I can start planting roses and great flowering plants. Can’t wait. I can’t do much with this clay but put bone meal down to break it up and put in some great soil. I have utility boxes on both sides of my front yard I have to do something with. Never dull here. 
Hope you all have a Blessed Week, love, prayers and Big Hugs! 


I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. Psalm 32: 8 KJV


Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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