black vinyl record on vinyl record

Happy National Vinyl Record Day


No Birthdays or Anniversaries this week

Prayer: Riley’s trip to Africa /our country/those recovering from hurricane Debby


Good Morning from NC.


We got about 6” of rain from Debby on Thursday.  There was some flooding of roads and some trees down, blocking roads around us.  Jessica encountered a few on her way to work but made it safely. Fortunately, Brian and Hailey’s flight was able to land in the evening after the bad weather was done.


Riley left early Sunday morning and should arrive in Africa this evening.  I’m sure it will be an exciting trip.


I had another close encounter with a deer this week.  Saturday, I walked to the mailbox just to get the mail and not my normal multiple laps, so I didn’t take my walking stick or phone as I usually do.  A deer was coming out of the cornfield and saw me quickly headed back into the corn before we collided.  I’m not sure who was the most startled.  I made sure to make lots of noise walking back to the house. 😊


Our windows and door are being delivered Tuesday, so look forward to the work beginning on the sunroom.


Have a blessed week,



“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 – Jesus’s words to the disciples

Good morning from damp chilly Basehor Ks. 
The work is continuing on the landscaping and screening in the patio.  We had rain last week so that slowed progress down. However my yard needed it! I am not sure how much sod I will have before they are finished. 
I went to the lake with Tim and Lisa this weekend (glamping) I took my winter PJs because it was chilly. We  did not even get the boat out. Nice camp fire evenings. Saturday Tim went golfing. Lisa and I hosed the canopy off the underside was really dirty. Looked great when we were finished but we were soaked. Did not think to put on swimsuits! So our jeans and shirts were sopping wet! We went to the shower house to take a hot shower and wash our hair. Not much hot water or pressure, but got the job done. To say I  underpacked was a problem. 
After that and a cup of hot chocolate we warmed up!  We fixed dinner and had a Chiefs football party at our camp site. It was nice. Sorry the Chiefs lost. 
Sunday broke down camp and came home. 
I put some water on the front yard and watered my plants in the pots. Well about 6:00 it started raining. We got a good soaker. It’s still damp but the workers are working in the backyard this morning.  Maybe get the screen done. The landscaping is tedious only 1 side of house done. It might be snowing before they are finished. Still have backhoe and bobcat in my yard. 
Have to get busy! 
 Hope you all have a Blessed Week! Love, prayers and big hugs! 

Blessed be the pure in heart; for they will see Jesus. Matthew  5:8


Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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