fall trees beside body of water during daytime

Happy National Potato Day


Happy Birthday:  Mason Aug. 23

Prayer:  Riley in Africa till Aug. 26 / our country


Good Morning from sunny NC.

It’s been a productive week of work on the sunroom.   Riley is having an amazing time in Africa.  Brian and the girls left Friday night after Kenzie finished band camp, for Disney…Hailey picked this for her 18th birthday.  They return Thursday.  Patches is making the best of it being left here with us. 


Some Putt-Putt & miniature golf history for you:

Circa 1916 – a shipping magnate has a miniature golf course built at his second Pinehurst N.C. resident.  The course is dubbed Thistle Dhu – allegedly a Scottish iteration of “this’ll do”. It was the first miniature golf course in the country.

1954 – Don Cayton a Fayetteville N.C. resident creates the game of Putt-Putt, a version of miniature golf where each hole is a par 2, costing .25 per round.


Have a blessed week,



“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 – Jesus’s words to the disciples


Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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