white and multicolored beach ball

Happy National Dog Day


Happy Birthday: Karly Aug 28 / Xander /Aug 29 / Hailey (18) Aug 30

Prayer: our country / Riley flying back from Africa


Good Morning from sunny NC,

We have a had a nice week of mild temps.  This week will warm back up.  It has been a productive week here on the sunroom, getting closer to being finished.  

Brian and family got back Thursday from Disney. Hailey and Mackenzie spent the rest of the week getting ready for the first day of school today – August 26.   

Mark, Rachel, and her boys flew to NY for the weekend to go to the Jets/Giants game and Yankees baseball game.

Dean and I have watched the little league world series all week and the exciting final game on Sunday when Florida won for the first time.


Have a blessed week,




“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 – Jesus’s words to the disciples


Good morning! It has been hot hot here in Kansas the last few days. 

I just pulled 4 10 hour days of manual labor! But worth it! 
Thursday finally got to hose off patio and move rest of patio things out of garage, umbrellas and stands and set them up. Empty my chimes and things that were in my garden in Florida! Last 2 boxes! 
Friday I went to Steph’s to work on her jungle in the back yard. However I did not get past the front yard! Worked all day on that trimming and weeding and making a rock border, required 32 bags of rocks. Only 2 trips to Menards. Cleaned up her rose garden. By then it was dark. So plan b come back Sunday. 
Saturday I went to Bonner Springs days with Ellaina! We walked up and down the streets in old Bonner looking at all the vendors. We even shared a funnel cake! It’s been years since I had one of those. We left about noon. I went home and started moving furniture into my new screened in porch. One peice at a time started with rugs. 3 chairs coffee table end tables and couch and tiki cart! 
I had to have help with the couch. Ellaina came over and brought one dog with her. Gypsy was the first to sit in the chairs and couch! 
After that I was worn out! Got in the hot tub! My muscles thanked me! I did get my garage back to normal again! 
Sunday after service I got to Stephanie’s at 10:40 they had already started early! We worked at cutting down trees that had grown along the fence line. Let’s say they have alot of tender for their fire pit! I then weedeated all the way around their yard. It looked good when we were finished! It was a hot day! They do have a big shade tree in the back that helped a lot! 
Today is rest day I went to bed at 8:00 last night! After I watered my yard! 
I am so glad that the landscaping is finished around the house it’s very nice! 
How you all have a blessed week! Love, prayers and big hugs! 


Rest going on here.  No landscaping. Plenty of weeds to pull but they’re not my responsibility and it looks as though the landscaping company can’t tell the difference between weeds and the plants they planted. Our 9 little baby ducks became 8 and are almost as big as their mom and dad. Findley thinks he wants to get up close but they always go swimming before he gets there. 
Choirs are all starting back up. Could use some more tenors and basses, well any voice actually. Rehearsals are Tuesdays and we have 14 nursing home concerts scheduled. Any takers?  We’re mailing a letter to 60 different churches to see if they would let their music ministries know about us. Fun concert planned.  Blue Christmas, Baby It’s Cold Outside, Santa Baby. 
Had to miss the first Stetson rehearsal-we’re singing Beethoven’s Ninth. The choir only sings the finale.  
Keeping my skin cancer at bay. Two procedures this week and that should do it for 6 months. Dermatology is a gold mine in Florida. After all our lake days I’m surprised I still have my nose!  
Have a blessed week everyone. God protect our children in school. Love you all-PJ



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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