white candles on gold candle holder
Happy National Stretch Day.


2nd week of Advent – Focus on Bethlehem as the site of Christ’s Birth


Happy Birthday: Jeremy Cain Jr. Dec. 12 ( 18 ) / Ricky Schleicher Dec. 15 / Jeremy Cain Sr. Dec. 18 / Trevor H Dec. 18

Prayer:  Katherine & Robert mourning Robert’s dad’s passing / Pam concerts for the rest of the month / TN Tornado victims – praise that Becky and Charlie are ok.. prayer for repairing Becky’s damaged car.


Greetings from a chilly, soggy NC…. We got around 4 inches starting Saturday night and into Sunday. 


Friday – Mackenzie got sick in the early morning, and it appears she may have the Flu – doing better on Sunday – I did some baking, trying out some new Christmas sweet recipes.

Saturday – Brian goes down with a fever and bad cough…not sure what he has.  Jessica staying strong.  Hailey had a Christmas party at friend’s house and spent the night, which helped her avoid the germs. We had our Children’s Ministry Christmas Celebration Saturday morning.  We have games/ crafts / snack and a story time.  Had about 150 children and probably 150 adults.. Everyone had a fun time.  We enjoyed the KU win later in the day.

Sunday off to church and lunch and suffering through the Chiefs game.


I have been working on tying up loose ends at work as I will retire the end of the month.  I do still plan to volunteer in the Children’s Ministry 1 day a week.


Have a blessed week,



Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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