brown bread on white ceramic plate

Happy National Bagel Day!


Happy Birthday: Mackenzie Jan 18 / Lisa B Jan 19

Prayer:  Kala – sale of house / Becky car repair

Praise:  Cheri has secured housing


Good Morning from chilly NC:  Not KC cold but we are expecting some lows in the teens this week, so that is pretty cold for us.

Tuesday was a stormy nasty day, along with most of the US that day.  Since the ground was saturated from all the rain we have had, a lot of trees went down, power outages.  We were fortunate and kept our power. 

Brian, Jess, and the girls left Friday and spent the weekend at Jessica’s parents.  

Saturday, I used their entire bonus room and tackled my reorganization of all my Christmas decorations and got them all labeled and put away in an orderly fashion in the attic.  That was a big check off on my to do list!  Got that done in time to rest before the Chief’ game.  Still not happy that we had to get Peacock to watch the game, but really enjoyed watching the game!!


Please prayer for our dear friend Claudia.  She and husband moved from Charlotte to Florida a few years ago.  Her husband was diagnosed with COVID the week they moved and died a month later.  She was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Gallbladder cancer.   Dean and I were able to visit her Jan. 31 on our way to Pam’s.  She started chemo last week and then had a stroke on Friday.  They did surgery and were able to remove the blood clot from her brain.  The last update we had was that part of her brain is dead and she was unable to speak.  Please pray for her son Chris as he has so many decisions to make I’m sure.    Thanks so much for the prayers.


Have a blessed week and stay warm and dry.



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Author: Schleicher Bot

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