Happy Chocolate Mint Day and Presidents Day


Happy Birthday:  Adam Feb. 20 / Brittany Feb. 20

Prayer: Kala’s house to sell / Cheri continued increase in strength / Deanna’s cousin / all those affected by the KC shooting at the parade


Good Morning from NC.


We had a pretty quiet week here.  Chilly but nothing like the Midwest family has had. 

The administrative ladies from church took me to breakfast Thursday morning to celebrate my retirement and they each gave me a puzzle. The smallest one was 150 pieces in a small tube.  One of the ladies brought it back from her trip to Europe for me.  It was 6 inches by 4 inches when completed.  I had to use tweezers and a magnifying glass to do it and I had to take some breaks to give my eyes a rest, but I got it done.  Photo attached…the blue tape was to keep the puzzle from moving while I worked on it.   I now have a great supply of puzzles for a while for a while.

Saturday, I worked in the attic going through some more boxes and doing a little more organizing. 


Have a blessed week,



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Schleicher Bot
Author: Schleicher Bot

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