Disney's Magic Kingdom

Let’s look at another section of the site: the photo gallery.  Part of the fun of staying connected and together is being able to see what everyone is up to and sharing fun moments.  Emailing is okay, but if you really want to share a trip or just a photo dump, a gallery is the best way to do it.

Galleries on the site will show a preview of ~4-6 photos, but the title and button link out to the full gallery.  Albums are hosted on Synology Photos; you can view them, but downloading is disabled.  If you want to download photos, just let me know and I’ll enable the download link. 

Now, it’s no fun to have a bunch of galleries that only I have put up and filled up.  So that’s where the “Add to Gallery” option comes in.  

Adding photos is simple; click the “Add to Gallery” button to open Synology Photos.  Next, hit the “Select” photos option to add photos from your device.  Finally, enter your name (to associate the added photos to someone) and review the photos you’ve selected.  Either add more or hit “Upload” to submit.  And that’s it!

Creating Albums

I’ve started adding different cities that we’ve traveled to, but I’d like to grow it to more.  If you want to add your photos to a new city, or even a separate “Just for Fun” album, shoot me an email and I’ll get the album set up.  To do so, I’ll need a few cover photos for the web page preview gallery, which I can pull from any photos you send me.  The best way for me to grab photos to upload is to send a link to your online gallery; you can share a OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox link and I can access and upload from there.  Like the other galleries, I’ll store these photos on my Synology NAS.  Remember, for privacy this site is not indexed by any of the search engines, so users have to specifically search for the web address to find it (i.e. it won’t show up on Google or Bing even if you search “Family Schleicher”).

Author: Zack

Pharmacist, tech guy, gamer, fixer. Good at a little bit of everything.

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