film, projector, movie projector

Waiting out the last few months of winter and slogging through the mud makes me really appreciate having a really robust movie library when I get back home.  Having a good movie night to cap off the week just hits right sometimes.

So, Plex.  Plex is an awesome app I use for live TV, music streaming, and video streaming.  Plex actually consists of two parts: the Plex app with its own assortment of videos, music, and TV, and if you happen to have the hardware the Plex Media Server.  We’ve taken all of our hardcopy videos and TV shows and ripped them into my NAS and my Plex Media Server.  All 304 movies and something like over 1,000 TV episodes.  Plus 2,000-some songs.  Available anywhere we go with internet.  Oh, and our live TV from the antenna.  Also available everywhere we go.

We can share libraries.  To do so you only need to do a few things:

  • Download the Plex app or visit Plex on the web
  • Create a paid account
  • Reach out to me and let me know your Plex user name so I can add you as a friend
  • Wait for the library share

Shared libraries grant access to the movies, music, and TV shows given permission to share.  Note that the streaming capability is limited by the server resources; usually I can stream 2-3 TVs at one time, or 1 TV and a few mobile apps.

Author: Zack

Pharmacist, tech guy, gamer, fixer. Good at a little bit of everything.

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