ice cream in white ceramic bowl
Happy National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!   Happy Birthday:  Alyssa C Feb. 7 (21) / Stephanie […]
stack of jigsaw puzzle pieces
I could not choose which National Day to pick today, they are: Happy—— Nation Bubble Wrap Day—— […]
black and white polka dot textile
Happy National Sanctity of Human Life Day and National Polka Dot Day   Happy Birthday:  Gatha Jan. […]
brown bread on white ceramic plate
Happy National Bagel Day!   Happy Birthday: Mackenzie Jan 18 / Lisa B Jan 19 Prayer:  Kala […]
brown wooden table and chairs
Happy National Clean Off Your Desk Day   Happy Birthday:  Deanna Jan. 9 Prayer: Kala -all the […]
time lapse photography of fireworks at night
  Just a quick Happy New Year to All !!   Happy Birthday:  Mark Jan 1 / […]
a group of three candles sitting on top of a table
Merry Christmas   Fourth Advent Sunday:  The angel’s announcement which prepares us for Christmas.   Happy Birthday:  […]
pink candles on gold candle holder
Happy National Twin Day – and especially our own family twins,  Ashley & Lacey and Aria & […]
white candles on gold candle holder
Happy National Stretch Day.   2nd week of Advent – Focus on Bethlehem as the site of […]
a group of three candles sitting on top of a table
Happy National Cookie Day   This week is the 1st week of advent – a look at […]

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